Foodie Gifts: Presto Choco-Nut Clusters

Swamped with deadlines but still want to surprise Mum with something sweet for Mother’s Day? These chocolate-nut clusters are quick and easy to make and they never fail to impress! Only 3 simple ingredients needed. The sea salt is optional, but does provide a delightful contrast to the sweetness of the chocolate.


340g dark chocolate

280g (roughly 2 cups) whole raw almonds/walnuts/cashews/peanuts (unsalted)

A few pinches of coarse sea salt (optional)


1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

2. Roughly break up the chocolate into small pieces, and microwave in a heat-proof

bowl for 2 minutes. Take out and stir every thirty seconds; chocolate burns

very quickly. Give your chocolate a little longer if not completely melted after 2


3. Add your choice of nuts to the melted chocolate and mix well.

4. With a teaspoon, scoop out a few chocolate-coated nuts and form a mound on the

baking sheet. The chocolate will spread out a little, but this is fine. Feel free to play

around with how big or small you want your clusters to be!

5. If desired, sprinkle with coarse sea salt.

6. Leave to cool completely in the fridge or freezer. They will only take a few minutes to

harden up.

7. Store in an airtight container, and finish off with ribbon to make them look like the

perfect gift. They are now ready to be sent off to Mum!

Charlotte de Drouas

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