Blind Date: Melissa meets Ivan

Fourth-year English student Melissa met third-year Electronic Engineering student Ivan at Trinity Kitchen for a spot of Rola Wala.  Has love got anything to do with this date?

Melissa on Ivan

What did you expect?

This being my very first blind date (for journalistic purposes), times are not that tough, I reassure myself. I went into it with an open mind and quite low expectations, unsure of whether to be completely trusting of my lovely editor’s – Hull’s answer to Cilla Black – choice in suitor.

What were your first impressions?

The only information I had prior to our meeting was that my guy was ‘v chill’, and that came across immediately. He had a really relaxed vibe and I thought he had a nice smile too.

What was the chat about?

What wasn’t it about? Everything from Björk’s Biophilia to Kanye’s questionable Adidas show. It wasn’t simply the standard dry chat of ‘what do you study?’, or ‘where are you from?’, which was refreshing. I was even educated on traditional Ghanaian food, and the amazing music scene in Indonesia.

Best bit?

Probably our shared rejoice when Ashanti’s classic ‘What’s Luv’ started playing during our game of Ping-Pong after the meal. Luckily, a few beers down, I was pleased that his Ping-Pong game was barely better than mine. I have to say that the whole date was great, there was minimal awkwardness, the conversation was genuinely interesting, and I didn’t feel the need to drink heavily at any point which is a surely a sign of success, no?

Worst bit?

The first part before the actual meeting; I showed up at Trinity Kitchen and couldn’t see him anywhere. I only knew that my date would be wearing a green jumper and black shoes, so I spent ten minutes stood on my own, eyeing up every male passer by’s shoes, like a creep with a penchant for jeans and sheux.

What made you face palm?

He mentioned his love for Drake… more than once.

The meal ended, and then…

The date continued with cocktails at The Alchemist. My drink had an actual orchid in it, and the company was equally delightful. However, we were both going out to different places after, so we said goodbye with an amicable hug under the streetlights of Boar Lane and went our separate ways.

Will you see them again?

As far as ‘chemistry’ goes, I think we will be leaving that to the bartenders at The Alchemist. Nevertheless, I had a really fun evening with him; it was great to hang out with someone who I’d never met before, and we had some really engaging conversation and lots in common in seems, so yeah, I hope to see him again.


Ivan on Melissa:

What did you expect?

I thought that possibly it could be Nicki Minaj as that’s something I mentioned to The Gryphon before. I mean hopefully they’ll holla at me if Onika ever contacts them.

What were your first impressions?

I don’t really think about first impressions. I can go from being completely underwhelmed or unimpressed with a person to thinking that they’re the most fascinating person I’ve ever met. 0 to 100. But first impressions were really positive. Melissa seemed really friendly and genuine.

What was the chat about?

We talked about fashion for a little while, which was bless because it’s something that I don’t really have experience with, entry level at best, so learning about it in depth was pretty eye opening. We also talked about music and family, and all the links between the above.

Best bit?

Finding out she was also a Bjork and Imogen Heap fan. Also the food was really good, I hope that’s not rude to say.

Worst bit?

There wasn’t really anything bad about the date, I felt uncomfortable at times because I asked a lot of questions purely because I was curious and wanted to know more, but sometimes I feel that came across as me trying to avoid an awkward silence.

What made you face palm?

Nothing above my usual levels of face palming.

The meal ended, and then…

We played table tennis. For real, the restaurant had table tennis and loads of noughties bangers were playing (notable mention: Fat Joe ft. Ashanti – What’s Luv) so we stayed a while. We didn’t really have a rush to be anywhere so we headed to The Alchemist afterwards and chilled on the balcony which was nice.

Will you see them again?

Hopefully, I would really like to read her piece on horror in art and the essay she wrote about literature in the perspective of the eye…I think that’s what it was about.

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