Vampires take over in The Order: 1886

The Order: 1886 has by far been my most anticipated game since its announcement at E3 in 2013. With every date we’ve been given being constantly pushed back, I was beginning to doubt the game would ever actually be released. However, it’s finally here, and having been in the making for almost two years, saying I was excited to play it is a serious understatement.

The first thing I noticed was that graphically, the game is beautiful. Cut scenes blend with the game play seamlessly and the general detail of both is outstanding.

Throughout the game you play as Sir Galahad, a member of a group known as ‘The Order’ in Victorian London. The group themselves are reminiscent of the Knights of the Round Table, but have guns. The plot is stunning just as you think you’ve got it worked out you’re thrown a curveball and the story goes in a completely different direction. The developers at Ready at Dawn studios have interwoven history into the gameplay with brilliant accuracy – just walking through the streets you’ll hear mentions of the infamous killer Jack the Ripper.

Your weapons expert is Nikola Tesla, and his unique creations take centre stage. In your attempt to investigate the infiltration of the East India Company by rebels you’ll come across both Lycans and Vampires alike. The devlopers have striven to create a historically authentic environemnt, meaning that even these creatures don’t appear out of place.

Despite this, there are plenty of causes for concern with The Order: 1886. The length of the game play is severely disappointing; it’s possible to finish the chapters in around 8 to 10 hours depending on how consistently you play it. On top of this, the breathtaking cut scenes take up a fair amount of the game itself. As you get further embroiled in the story these scenes become more frequent, which is a sad oversight by the team.

There is not enough environment interaction; the location is beautiful but we’re given no real room to explore. You’re only granted access to areas of the city that lead to the next chapter, which in a generation of games giving you seemingly unlimited freedom across their worlds is noticeably limited.

Overall, the delays in release have been time well spent. The game invents exciting backstories and is full of historical links to the real world alongside the stunning visuals. However, more time should have been invested in creating a longer story line; at the price a PS4 game, there is simply not enough game for your money. I would definitely recommend playing it and you will not be disappointed, but the price is sure to drop quite drastically in the coming months as more copies find their ways on to the pre-owned shelves.


Devon Allen

Image property of Sony Playstation


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