Uni faces legal battle as protesters reoccupy site

The University has confirmed that it is seeking legal advice to reclaim land as a dispute with protesters intensifies.

Activists from Leeds Community Project re-entered 6 Grosvenor Mount on Wednesday after being removed from the site last month.

The group claims that it was ‘unlawfully evicted’ following a six-day occupation in protest of plans to sell the University-owned land to private investors. Three activists were arrested during the incident, and later released without charge.

Leeds Community Project has since announced that it is planning legal action against the University.

In a statement, a representative from Leeds Community Project said, ‘LCP strongly opposes the unlawful eviction and the actions of the University of Leeds and of the police. Therefore, we have legally re-entered the site to continue our primary goals. These include to immediately stop the sale of 6 Grosvenor Mount, open it up to the communities of Leeds and facilitate discussions exploring the potential of the unique infrastructure so it better benefits local communities and interested groups.’

On Thursday, Leeds CP tweeted, ‘And finally another morning in the glasshouses…reading, growing, painting. Stop by, enjoy the site and #reclaimgrosvenor for everyone!’

Leeds City Council rejected a bid to award 6 Grosvenor Mount with status as a ‘community asset’ in January because the site is not currently used.

Over one hundred people expressed their support for the redevelopment of the site in February.

Charlotte Mason

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