UPDATE: Postgrad spared jail for biker death

A Leeds University student who caused the death of a motorcyclist by driving carelessly has been spared a jail sentence.

A court on Tuesday ruled that Chenerusai Makumbe should not go to prison because of her contribution to society as a nurse, Wakefield Express reported.

Ms Makumbe, who is studying for a Master’s in Public Health, collided with motorcyclist Wayne Murray at a junction in Ackworth near Pontefract in August 2013. The 54-year-old man suffered severe injuries after being propelled into the air by the force of the crash, and later died at Leeds General Infirmary.

Mr Murray’s brother, who was travelling alongside him, swerved out of the path of Makumbe’s Smart car.

The court heard that it was dusk and there was no street lighting, although the motorcyclists’ headlights were on.

Judge Peter Benson said, ‘For some reason, you decided to pull out into the carriage way and you had no doubt in your mind you’d be able to clear it. But it was a misjudgement of the most catastrophic sort’.

Ms Makumbe originally told police she had not driven out of the junction where the incident occurred. However, she pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving in court on Monday.

Makumbe was disqualified from driving for three years. She was also given a 12-month community order and told to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

The thirty-six-year old student also works as a nurse in Wakefield.

Charlotte Mason

Image courtesy of Yorkshire Post

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