Blind Date: Ruby meets Harvey

Fourth-year English student Ruby met French and Politics graduate Harvey in Call Lane’s Distrikt for some tapas and a good bottle of red. However, did their fiery locks set each other alight?

Ruby on Harvey:

What did you expect?

Beyond low expectations. Having to drudge through a few hours of conversation and awkwardness before finding the right moment to leave. Or maybe meeting someone awesome and getting to have mind-blowing sex.

What were your first impressions?

Oh thank fuck he’s a feminist and he seems to know what I mean when I say ‘heteronormative’ and ‘cis.’ He seemed a bit nervous but fair I can be quite scary.

What was the chat about?

We had a great chat about rap and hip-hop, as well as my personal favourites of racism and sexism. Religion came up, as well as a good bit of politics. I honestly have to say I thought the date was going to be tragic on this front, and it really exceeded my (albeit, low) expectations.

Best bit?

That he was a feminist. There’s nothing more boring than having to convince someone on a date that you deserve to be treated like a human. He was totally keyed into that shit and I never felt weird about referencing sexism or anything. Also really enjoyed our chat about music, I love when people are cultural engaged.

Worst bit?

The first 5 minutes. So not only had I not been told his name “(hi…are you…a person I’m meant to be meeting?”), but also the bar hadn’t got the memo that we got some free drinks. So navigating the awkwardness of selling your personality in the context of a date as well as trying to get free stuff from a woman who seemed really reluctant to give it was not ideal.

What made you face palm?

When he mentioned his dad was a priest.

The meal ended, and then…

We had glorious sex. No, only kidding, I had a fucktonne of reading to do so I just couldn’t continue the night whether I wanted to or not.

Will you see them again?

I don’t know if I would go for another date, but in a more platonic context I would be very happy to continue the discussion on Drake’s new album and how feminist Nikki Minaj is.

Harvey on Ruby:

What do you expect?

Armed with the knowledge that the person I was meeting was a “cool feminist” and the safe assumption that they worked for The Gryphon, I thought this could be a pleasant evening. This optimism was tempered by the fear that our dear editor could in fact be a terrible judge of character (spoiler: she isn’t)

What were your first impressions?

While I managed to arrive on time, Ruby had had the foresight to arrive at Distrikt 5 minutes early. This strong move meant that I had to approach her and open with “are you er… here for the er…” (Impressive stuff). Though she kindly didn’t let me flounder for too long and it was plain sailing from this point.

What was the chat about?

There was certainly plenty of conversation and we managed to cover a lot of topics by way of numerous tangents. Topics included, but were certainly not limited to: doing a year abroad (how they are weird and how sunlight is a wonderful thing), rap music (songs about cunnilingus and the joys/pitfalls of writing about rappers in academic essays) and having red hair (and being able to tan, or not in my case).

Best bit?

It was a lovely evening throughout! I didn’t know beforehand that Distirkt did food and it was delicious! This combined with the great company made for a lovely evening.

Worst bit?

Initial awkwardness was short lived and I’d be clutching at straws trying to find a low point.

What made you facepalm?

Multiple cups of coffee throughout the day plus half a bottle of wine made for a number trips to the toilet for me. Although I’m not sure this qualifies as a facepalm, a light forehead rub maybe?

The meal ended, and then…

Both having early starts (a seminar for her and a flight for me) we got the bus and went home. I can only apologise for not giving the exciting answer that the ellipsis in this question is looking for.

Will you see them again?

I certainly hope so, I’ve got some half-baked theories about Drake that I need to run by someone.

Photographs: Sam Broadley and Facebook.

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