LUU Amnesty International launch ‘Free Shaker Aamer’ campaign

LUU’s student branch of Amnesty International are continuing to campaign for the release of 46 year old Briton Shaker Aamer, who was arrested in Afghanistan by US forces on the 14th February 2002.

LUU Amnesty’s president, Wil Hutton, said, ‘without charge or trial, Shaker Aamer is innocent under international law, and pressure has to be put on through all available channels to ensure that he receives his freedom as soon as possible’.

‘Free Shaker Aamer’ banners and dummies dressed in orange have been spotted on University buildings across campus.

To mark the thirteenth anniversary of his detention, students were also encouraged to sign a Valentine’s Day card in support of local Labour MP Hilary Benn’s commitment to the nationwide campaign calling for his release.

Speaking on this, Hutton said ‘Hilary Benn agreed to raise the issue in Parliament and will co-ordinate with us, a letter to the US Embassy in London. The Shaker Aamer Campaign is of particular importance at this time because for 13 years the United States has carried out abuses of human rights that they themselves would declare unacceptable from any other democratic state’

Speaking to the White House last month, President Obama said he ‘will prioritise’ the release of Shaker Aamer, but human rights groups pledge to continue lobbying the UK and US governments until his release.

Abla Klaa

Photo: Jack Roberts

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