Ed Miliband promises tuition fee cuts to 6k

Aspiring Prime Minister Ed Miliband today announced Labour’s plans to cut tuition fees.

Appearing at the Leeds College of Music, Mr Miliband said that the tripling of tuition in 2010 led to ‘the most expensive broken promise in the history of British politics’, leading him to reduce the 9k fees to 6k.

The new fees would come into effect by September 2016, not only for first year students, but for second year students onwards.

Labour would fund this measure through a 3% to 4% student loan interest rise for graduates earning over 42k.

Student voters are said to be disillusioned after the tripling of student fees in 2010.

The Coalition government implemented a law which saw the annual charge soar from £3000 to £9000 per annum, resulting in one of the biggest student protests in modern British history.

A full interview with Mr Miliband will appear in The Gryphon next week.

Jasmine Andersson

Photo: Sam Broadley

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