Fake twitter accounts re-emerge

Controversial ‘fake’ twitter accounts attempting to influence LUU elections have re-emerged.

The Gryphon first reported on the accounts in November, when they seemed to be trying to swing NUS delegate elections. At the time one of the accounts featured the image of a girl who had committed suicide in 2012 as its profile picture.

There is a strong suggestion that the accounts are related. All of the accounts involved claim to be big supporters of Leeds Labour Society, and follow the whole of the exec. Some of the accounts follow and retweet each other, as well as members of LUU media societies.

The nature of the tweets from the accounts in question makes them suspicious, and there have been allegations that some of them are copied from people they follow and treated as their own.

The accounts often use the #leadluu and have a political agenda behind them, and the timing of their reactivation is suspiciously close to the start of the next leadership race.

Jake Hookem

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