Happy People by Peace

The wonderful and wacky Peace are back with their second album Happy People. Since debut In Love they have been touring endlessly supporting names such as The Libertines and Bombay Bicycle Club. Over this time they have refined and developed their sound, evident in the anthem-filled new album Happy People.

Opener ‘O You’ sets the scene of annoyingly catchy guitar progressions and thrilling song endings. But this is different to debut album In Love. Violins feature heavily throughout and the mashed up endings are defined and purposeful. The album is chock full of bursting anthems like ‘Gen Strange’ and ‘Lost On Me’ which are sure to bring down the house when played live. Tracks such as ‘I’m A Girl’ and ‘Money’ have clear and poignant messages behind them – ‘I’m A Girl’ being written about the stereotypes of masculinity. ‘Money’ is a moody track, hurling hate at the business world where “bitcoins pay for beatings and diamonds pay for girls”. Attitude and character are entwined throughout the album.

‘Someday’ is a pleasant change of tempo with a simple tune which shows an honest and heartfelt side to Harry’s writing; a really moving and beautiful song which is a welcome break in between all the chaos. Finale ‘World Pleasure’ is an absolute gem, a six minute frenzy of incredible bass lines provided by Sam Koisser and fantastic droning guitars. Again this song has been worked to perfection, and honestly it pretty much is, but the album does seem to stagnate nearer the end, ‘Under The Moon’ feels wedged in like a typical album filler.

Ultimately, though, this is one hell of an album, showing a refined and mature sound whilst still boasting a charm and attitude that Peace are synonymous with.

Luke Humphrey

photo: wonderlandmagazine.com

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