Another Eternity by Purity Ring

Another Eternity is the dazzling album from Canadian duo Purity Ring. The record simultaneously transports you to two realms, clearly illustrated in the album sleeve. It strikes you limp as you gaze into the intricacy of space, yet at the same time submerges you into the deepest of waters leaving you peacefully suspend there in its equilibrium.

The second album from the pair opens with what sounds like the intro to a magical movie, leaving your mouth gaping wide like a child entering Disneyland for the very first time. It is the vocals of ‘Heartsigh’ amidst both twinkling and dark synths that is reminiscent of Ellie Goulding, especially of her more dreamy electro tracks seen on album Halcyon.

A mid point on the album, ‘Stranger Than Earth’ sees darker synths closing to the sky of Purity Ring’s childlike soundscapes, giving the essence of the calm before the storm. Megan sings “I wasn’t thinking bout you” in such an uncannily similar way to Frank Ocean’s ‘Thinking About You’ that you almost feel like filling in the “yeah, yeah, yeahs” that follow.

The other half of the album, opening with ‘Begin Again’, leaves you in a tranquil sea of synths, where you find dark bass synths and tapestries of textures. Crevasses of harmonic colour and bursts of lighter textures are found in ‘Stillness In Woe’, raising us to the surface of reality to conclude the album.

Another Eternity does what it says on the tin, flinging you far into the mysterious oceans of music Purity Ring have discovered. Having worked on this release in the same room, as opposed to their debut album which was done across Skype, and self-recorded all the tracks, it is clear that this critically acclaimed pair have produced something worthy of a listen.

Hannah Taylor

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