Valentine’s Day house fire leaves tenants shaken

Fire fighters and police officers were called to the scene of house fire in Hyde Park on Saturday Night as a Valentine’s Day date nearly ended in disaster.

The fire, which was reported at around 11.00pm, broke out in an upstairs bedroom at 62 Queens Road in Hyde Park.

One tenant at the scene of the fire told a photographer working for The Gryphon: “Two of us had just got home and decided to light a few candles in my room, we then went downstairs for cheesecake. After a while we heard my housemate who was upstairs yelling ‘fire!’. The blaze happened really quickly by which point there was nothing we could do. We rang 999 and the fire service came.”

It is believed that the blaze started when an unattended candle set fire to a bunch of roses which had been brought home by the couple. Worryingly, despite the fire rapidly ripping through the small bedroom, at no point during the incident did the house’s fire alarm sound.

A spokeswoman for the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “Luckily, the fire itself was relativity small and confined to just one upstairs bedroom.”

“It remained remained well under control and was extinguished quickly. The Police are always called out with us as a matter of precaution, luckily they were not needed at this incident as no one was trapped inside the house.”

Despite the fire only badly damaging one bedroom, all housemates have had to move out of the property until the full extent of the fire damage has been properly assessed.


Greg Whitaker


Photo: Will Stanley

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