Blind Date: Tania meets Michael

Tania, History graduate, 24 meets Michael, 23, MA Physics for a cheeky catch up at The Black Swan on Call Lane. Did sparks fly or was it a tequila shot too far?

Tania on Michael

What did you expect?

I would say that my expectations weren’t spectacularly high. I largely expected to embarrass myself by drinking too much wine whilst grimacing through awkward and stilted conversation, having to remind myself that ‘this is for journalistic purposes – YOU ARE NOT A TRAGIC INDIVIDUAL’ and hating on the editor of this fine publication for putting me in that position. Always best to expect the worst, right?

What were your first impressions?

‘Maybe this won’t be so bad after all’, mainly. I think I’d been sat down about 30 seconds before Mike asked if I wanted to get a bottle of wine. I think that’s when you know you’re onto a winner. A tendency to drink alcohol aside, I didn’t really take notice of first impressions because we just instantly got on, so it’s hard to pinpoint specific things. I think I just sicked in my mouth a little.

What was the chat about?

I think a more appropriate question might be what didn’t we chat about? I wish I could be more specific but we genuinely got on like a house on fire (I feel like I have used this term a lot since) and looking back I can only say we probably spoke about anything and everything? I did acquire some new London lingo, though, and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard the word moist used so much in one conversation. Make of that what you will…

Best bit?

Complete and utter lack of awkwardness. I feel like any blind date should welcome at least one awkward silence but there was no sign of one here. I’m pretty sure he’ll say the best part was the steak, though…

Worst bit?

The hangover the next day. I take no responsibility for this whatsoever, though, and I apologise if this doesn’t really dish much dirt, but – despite being at risk of sicking up again – there’s not really anything bad I can say. I suppose the worst thing is having to admit to the person who set us up that they may well have done a pretty decent job of it. I heard she’s related to Cilla Black, though, so that might be something to do with it (no joke).

What made you face palm?

Admitting you were once an emo kid might seem a funny thing to do when drunk, but is actually quite a cringey thing to look back on. I wear the badge with pride, however.

The meal ended, and then…

To my utmost glee, the suggestion of dancing was thrown into the mix. Shapes were thrown, tequilas were slung, and the receipts I found in my bag coupled with my monstrous hangover the next day, would call the evening an overall success.

Will you see them again?

This will be hideously embarrassing and I might go into hiding if the counterpart answer is of the opposite sentiment, but I’ll be honest and say that I hope so.

Michael on Tania

What did you expect?

I’m not a person who goes on a lot of dates so I didn’t really know what to expect.  These days blind dates are never truly blind, more like partially sighted, especially when pretty much everyone in Leeds is either a student or ex-student.  It turns out we had a couple of mutual friends and they reassured me that she was going to be great fun.

What were your first impressions?

I thought ‘out of my league’ and thanked god for this opportunity.  She had a hint of some long lost emo past about her but just subtle enough so that it was attractive.  It came up later that she used to be an emo as well.

What was the chat about?

It started off with the usual date stuff: where are you from? What do you do? What have we let ourselves in for?  Then the chat flowed really nicely and we got on really well.  She always had an opinion but not in the bad way, she didn’t shirk from saying things.  She also mocked me and I have got a lot of time for that.

Best bit?

Probably the realisation after about 5 minutes that she wasn’t a weirdo and thinking ‘hey this is going really well’.  Also when she first opened her mouth and her accent was some sort of BBC English and Essex hybrid, I really rated that.  Also I went for the steak and it nearly brought a tear to my eye.

Worst bit?

There wasn’t a worst bit, but if I had to pick a moment it was the five minutes I had to wait alone in the Black Swan until she arrived. My stomach was churning and I had a crippling sense of self awareness, the feeling dissipated when she arrived and I only had to sweat over how bad my chat was going to be.

What made you face palm?

I was running ten minutes late and panicked a bit but luckily she was even later so I didn’t have to worry. She messaged me warning me.

The meal ended, and then…

With the Black Swan being on call lane the date was tailor made to go on after the meal.  We did a bit of bar hopping and cut some filthy shapes on various dance floors along the lane.  Then we said  good bye and she disappeared into the night.

Will you see her again?

Yeah I certainly hope so.  We really got on and it would be stupid not to.

Photos: Sam Broadley and Will Stanley

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