‘It won’t be cool in Hell’: Maths lecturer sparks controversy

A University lecturer has sparked controversy after claiming that those who do not follow Jesus will go to hell.

Charles Read, a Professor of Pure Mathematics at Leeds, has used his online university webpage to talk about his conversion to Christianity.

He ends his testimony by stating, ‘I strongly urge you to seek the truth as a researcher, not trusting anyone else to do your basic investigations for you. That’s right, Jesus is the Way. But you have to find that out for yourself. For those who seek find, but those who can’t be bothered, or who think they’re too cool, end in a very dark place. It won’t be cool in Hell.’

The Maths lecturer is well known for his work in functional analysis, and has published many mathematical papers. His webpage states he is a ‘born-again Christian first, all other things afterwards.’

A third-year Maths student told The Gryphon, ‘I don’t think his university webpage should be showing his personal opinions about faith and religion as it doesn’t have anything to do with someone’s ability to learn maths.’

He goes on to make more controversial claims, saying, ‘There is just one faith which really takes sin and forgiveness fully seriously, and that is Christianity’. He adds, ‘I reckon the salvation of the awful, grotty inhabitants of Planet Moron is very urgent.’

It is believed the web page has been online for around five years without complaint.

Professor Read also describes an encounter with Christian healing, claiming to have witnessed the healing of a girl from a sporting injury: ‘At this point I felt the whole upper half of my body become hot. Hot hot, a sort of dry heat, but very real and noticeable… the young lady was instantly healed. She described it as feeling water like, running away. She asked me, “who are you?”; and I, still slightly in shock, replied, “I’m nobody in particular”.’

In a statement, a University spokesperson said, “As an institution, we are committed to promoting and encouraging freedom of expression and, as such, we tolerate a wide range of views. Many of our academics use personal web pages housed within the University’s site not only to expand onacademic matters but also to express ideas and opinions relating to their own personal interests”.

“The University publishes guidelines for staff relating to use of web pages and other social media. These are reviewed on a regular basis and changes introduced as necessary”.

Charles Read previously studied at Cambridge University, where he completed a PhD.

The Gryphon contacted Professor Read but he was unable to provide a comment at this time.


Lucy Connolly

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