Caught on Campus

Name: Ellie Rylands

Age: 22

Course: Masters in Structural Geology with Geophysics

What did you have for tea last night?

I had a ham salad for tea, I have eaten it for the past month because I am on a bit of a detox since Christmas!




Name: Nardia Ewins

Age: 19

Course: Maths

What has been your favourite memory of university?

I think my favourite memory has to be finding a house last year, and then moving out of halls. It is so nice to live with people you really like.




Name: Danni Lawton

Age: 20

Course: Zoology

What is your favourite club in Leeds?

My favourite club in Leeds is Beaver Works, it has so many different rooms and the outside has loads of space.




Name: Nia Williams (her coat was actually her nan’s old coat! – very vintage)

Age: 19

Course: Geography

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

I don’t think I have much planned…. Actually on Sunday I am actually doing a training ride for the bike to Berlin.



Name: Bevin Stanley

Age: 20

Course: Nursing

What do you think is the best club in Leeds?

I think the best club in Leeds has to be Hifi on a Tuesday.




Name: Fiona Thompson-Shaw  (If you want to steal her style, her coat is from Primark!)

Age: 21

Course: English

What would you say is a fashion ‘no-go’?

Hmm, I think definitely floppy hats. I just always think the people who wear them look so pretentious. However, that is just my personal opinion though!




Olivia Bates and Jordan Harris

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