Unipol-accredited Sugarhouse taken to tribunal

The Union has warned house hunters to be vigilant before signing for a property after a letting agency which caused ‘confusion’ was taken to a Unipol tribunal.

It was found that Sugarhouse refused to provide tenants with a copy of their guarantor form and failed to allow them the standard 24-hour period before signing.

Students also claimed they were unaware that Aston Properties, who managed their house, was not a member of the Unipol Code, although the property was advertised by Unipol-accredited Sugarhouse.

Community Officer George Bradley told The Gryphon, ‘Due to some silly errors that Sugarhouse made in their draft contract, they ended up at a tribunal which is quite serious. I strongly advise any students to be wary of the nitty-gritty details of their contracts, as this is where you might get caught out’.

Unipol encourages students to check their landlord is in the Code before signing for a property and to ask whether the house is managed by a Code landlord.

Director of Sugarhouse Properties Richard Napier explained, ‘(The issue) was soon rectified and all documents were sent out. All of our documents are widely and readily available prior to any agreements being signed. We strive very hard to provide a very high level of service and to be at the top of the market in terms of customer service’.

Unipol decided to take no further action against Sugarhouse Properties, which remains a golden-owner member of the Code.

The Student Advice Centre runs a free contract-checking service in the Union building.

Charlotte Mason

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