Preview: The Weather Machine will make the audience part of the performance

Stage @Leeds is proud to present the world premiere of Sky Academy Arts Scholar David Shearing’s immersive installation The Weather Machine. This is a beautiful, theatrical exploration of the weather from the 5-7th February 2015. The audience are very much a part of the installation and are put straight into the heart of the performance, sitting amongst the very visual, multimedia performance where sound, image and text combine.


Leeds based performance creator Shearing says this will ‘push the audience to focus on every day elements that aren’t often considered.’ The Weather Machine will also prompt the audience to question these acts of nature and how they shape our lives. This remarkable performance will operate as a hybrid between fine art and practical performance.

David Shearing’s The Weather Machine is supported by a Sky Academy Arts Scholarship in association with IdeasTap. It was commissioned and developed by the West Yorkshire Playhouse, in partnership with stage@leeds. In addition David Shearing & Company is collaboration of artists, composers and writers, creating highly reflective, immersive environments. Each project explores the relationships between video, light and sound and how audiences engage with the performance.

Tickets for The Weather Man can be bought at Stage@Leeds and cost £10 / £7.50 (concessions).

Emily Willson

Image: David Shearing & Company

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