WATER POLO: Uni Womens 1s make a splash as Liverpool are sunk

Leeds Water Polo Womens 1s defeated their Liverpool Uni counterparts 16-4 at the Edge last Wednesday. Emma Wikinson reports

While Leeds Water Polo Women’s Firsts were warming up, Liverpool University’s women were battling with the elements on their journey across the Pennines. A call was made to inform Leeds that Liverpool were almost there, but seven men down. This would normally mean that the water polo match could not take place, but BUCS allowed the fixture to remain, so on Leeds went with their warm-up. Ed Scott, one of GB’s finest, arrived to coach the Leeds side who are normally coached by Men’s captain Danny Casey.

The Leeds ladies formulated their man-up plan, intending to take full advantage of Liverpool’s depleted side. Leeds captain, Emma Wilkinson, was first to make a mark on the score board, closely followed by team mate Julia Gauer who played a beautiful lob. Anastasija Bates made her debut in goal for the women’s first team, consistently making a number of saves. Liverpool were not disheartened by Bates’ long reach, with Meg Watters earning them their first goal of the game. Jo Thorpedo, also known as Joanna Thorpe, sprinted the length of the pool to retain Leeds’ two goal lead. Meg Watters was not to be defied and ended the first quarter 3-2 to Leeds.

Thorpedo created more white water in the second quarter, scoring two goals, in between which Liverpool fought back with Rebecca Fausset claiming a goal for Liverpool from half-way. Wilkinson and team mates were left annoyed when they perceived her shot to cross the goal line, but the referee discounted the attempt. By the end of the second quarter the benefits of having a full side were beginning to show, the home team were constantly replenishing their players while Liverpool were beginning to tire. Leeds went into the third quarter still two goals up, a gap which was about to widen.

Leeds gave a warm welcome to their latest addition to the team, Valentina Bonelli, an experienced Italian student here as part of an ERASMUS scheme. Bonelli sent the ball flying into the back of the net and within a minute Wilkinson followed suit. The Italian was on fire and a little too energetic in defence, leading to her exclusion. Leeds were not fazed by this as there were still equal numbers in attack and defence. Liverpool were not successful in shooting past Bates, instead Leeds stole the attack which ended with Wilkinson challenging the Scouse keeper and winning a penalty. Sadly her sights were set on the crossbar rather than the back of the net and the penalty was not converted to a goal. Watters led Liverpool’s subsequent attack, taking Bates by surprise as she scored. Thorpedo made another great break and popped the ball into the net yet again.

After Liverpool sank the ball, Leeds made another strong attack, with a goal executed by Emma Darrington. Bonelli and Wilkinson both scored before the quarter finished, giving Leeds an 11-4 lead. Having stormed the fourth quarter, Leeds were on a high. Bonelli was awarded a penalty which she successfully converted to a goal. Liverpool’s keeper was no match for the Italian’s powerful shot and the penalty was successfully converted.

The next Leeds attack was interrupted by Fausset clambering over Wilkinson for the ball, the Liverpudlian was excluded and the ball was fed to Gauer who simply pushed it along the water and into the net. Kirsty Walter put the next goal on the board, ignoring the defenders who were all guarding their goal, frantically waving their arms in an effort to deflect the ball.

Liverpool’s attempts to attack the goal were becoming fewer and further between, with Gauer seizing another goal scoring opportunity soon after. The final goal of the game came from Walter who could not have timed it more perfectly with the final whistle had she tried, making the final score 16-4 to Leeds. Bates and Thorpe shared the title of man of the match.

This result marks the first of the women’s first team’s victories in BUCS this season having faced incredibly strong teams including Edinburgh and Sheffield Hallam. The girls are delighted with their win over Liverpool University. Thanks must go to Ed Scott for giving up his time to coach the team, and also to Nicola Capstaff and Amy Sears who manned the table brilliantly. The team are hoping to carry their success on to their next fixture against Newcastle University.


Image courtesy of Emma Wikinson

Emma Wikinson


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