Union confirm multi-million pound upgrade

Plans to upgrade the Student Union were officially announced at Tuesday’s AGM.

The ‘Big Building reveal’ confirmed a 20 million pound project to refurbish areas of the Union starting in Winter 2015/2016.

Notable changes include a complete overhaul to the Riley Smith Hall with improved lighting and retractable seats to give more performance space.

Also improvements will be made to the arts quarter creating more spaces for societies to meet, plan and dance.

Bradley Escorcio, Union Affairs Officer, said: “This is a massive project and there is so much money going into it which will help drive the Union forward for the future.”

Concerns were raised during the AGM over whether refurbishments would disrupt society activities in the Union.

Bradley added: “It is important we keep disruption to a minimum, there are obviously going to be times when we have to close areas but there will be plans to relocate for societies.

“By April/May time we should know when certain areas of the Union will be offline.”

The upgrade aims to create more flexible spaces for societies and to improve access for all students.

Gemma Turner, Equality and Diversity Officer, said: “The new developments will make sure all students get the same experience when going around the building.”

For more information a short video revealing all the developments can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9oXxZWRs4k.


Rob Andrews


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