Schoolboy killer loses appeal

Schoolboy Will Cornick, who murdered Leeds teacher Ann Maguire last April, today lost his appeal against his 20-year minimum prison sentence.

The 16-year-old was arrested last April after stabbing Mrs Maguire seven times during a Spanish lesson at Corpus Christi Catholic College in Leeds.

Mrs Maguire, 61, had taught at the school for over 40 years and was due to retire last summer.

During Cornick’s trail at Leeds Crown Court in November, Mr Justice Coulson warned the schoolboy that he must serve at least 20 years before he is eligible to seek parole but also added: “It’s quite possible that day may never come.”

Despite appealing the decision a panel of three judges at the Court of Appeal in London, headed by the Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas, today rejected Cornick’s appeal and have upheld his original sentence.

Speaking afterwards the sentencing judge said the panel had come to “entirely the right decision”.


Greg Whitaker

photo: BBC News

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