Leeds receives ‘First Class’ green ranking

Leeds University has received a First Class Honours green ranking in the 2015 University league table.

The list, which is the UK’s only comprehensive and independent ranking of green universities, placed Leeds 30th in the table.

Plymouth, Worcester, Manchester Met, Nottingham Trent and City university are placed as the top five greenest institutions respectively.

Green student action group People and Planet coordinated the survey, which ranks the institutions on tenets such as worker’s rights, environmental policy and quality of education.

Leeds received a ‘high 2:1’ grade in last year’s league.

People and Planet trustee and student Emma Simpson said: ‘I’m really thrilled to see that the University of Leeds’ ranking has moved from the 2:1 block to join the 1st class group of ethically and sustainably ranked universities.

‘What’s carried us into this category is the university’s excellent sustainability team and recent environmental policy overhaul, as well as People & Planet campaign wins like joining Electronics Watch, but we could go a lot further.

The University of Leeds scored 0% on the ethical investment section, which is shocking for a university of this size and reputation, which claims to be investing in students’ futures.’

Third-year International Relations student and environmental campaigner Dami Adebayo said: ‘The new ranking is a welcome development in our step towards a greener university.

I cannot wait to see how the result improves once Edward Boyle undergoes refurbishment.’

Facilities Director Dennis Hopper said: ‘The award of a first class rating is important to the University of Leeds, as it provides recognition of the efforts of our staff and students across all faculties and services.

Our improved position in the Green League year on year demonstrates our continued commitment to sustainability.’

Jasmine Andersson

Image: The Guardian

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