Students encouraged to help the homeless

LUU are working in conjunction with Leeds Beckett’s Student Union to raise awareness and increase support for the homeless in Leeds.

The scheme has introduced food banks across the universities’ student halls of residences as part of Homelessness Awareness Week organised by HOMED and STAR.

Students are encouraged to support the cause by using the facilities to donate excess food before they leave for the Christmas period. The unions have pledged to donate the food to shelters and homeless people living in Leeds.

Additionally the Hidden Café have agreed to contribute a 50p donation to any order made during the week towards St George’s Crypt.

Initially, there will be multiple stalls in the Union foyer collecting donations for gifts from homeless people on the last day.

Ella Foggit, who works in the Student Union and helped organise the homeless week’s events, hopes that this will ‘raise public awareness and be of major help to the homeless of Leeds.’

LUU Communinity Officer, George Bradley added ‘Giving information to students on how to help the homeless is an LUU Policy, and we’ve been working hard with the Community team, and the Marketing wizards upstairs, to make a fantastic and informative booklet which we’ve distributed all over the Union building. It features a couple of case studies from two companions at Emmaus, a charity in the city centre, as well as other helpful advice. It’s also available to download as a PDF from the LUU website homepage. I’m so glad to see how much activity has taken place this week, and brought the Policy to life.’

Emily Willson


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