Preview: George The Poet @ Mine

George The Poet is a public speaker, writer, recording artist and the latest addition to the thriving spoken word scene in the UK. Spoken word has been gaining some serious momentum in the past year and with increasing political, economic and social tension across the globe, it’s not difficult to see why.

Having appeared frequently on Channel 4, Sky TY and the BBC, George The Poet is, without a doubt, one of the trailblazers in the spoken word scene.

In his live shows, he fuses poetry with hip hop influences tackling social issues that less courageous contemporaries might leave well alone: “I wrote ‘The Chicken and the Egg’ about premature parenthood”, says George, “Through the story of a rocky relationship, it outlines the cycle of fatherlessness in seven tracks. Premature parenthood is a cycle and the only way to tackling it is to unsteady it and polarise it.”

Having been watched by over 4 million people on Youtube, it’s clear that George The Poet is able to tap into something universal and truly unmissable. His debut album is due for release via Island Records in 2015 and you can catch a taster of this during his University Tour in December.

George The Poet will be performing at Mine on 3rd December – entry is free. And who knows, it might just change your life.

Emily Watts

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