Prolific Hyde Park thief jailed

A teenager who burgled over one hundred student homes during a four-month spate of break-ins earlier this year has been jailed.

Nineteen-year-old Liam Walker stole £193,000 worth of goods such as laptops, iPhones and tablets, from student properties between July and October.

The court heard that Walker targeted multi-occupancy houses and would go from room to room to steal valuables, including laptops containing valuable coursework.

In one incident, Walker had tried to steal a flatscreen TV from a house party on Manor Terrace in Headingley in May. He fled the scene after being disturbed by the tenants, leaving fingerprints which later led to his arrest. The prolific burglar had gained entry to the padlocked room despite doormen being hired to prevent unwanted guests from entering the property.

Walker went on to commit over 100 other burglaries before being detained. He committed his first offence at the age of 14.

The University’s Police Liaison Officer PC Matt Guy told The Gryphon, ‘Cases like this are not unusual. Unfortunately, students are prime targets as not only do their houses contain items of high value but due to many residences containing large groups of people all living together, burglars see it as an easy option. They know they can get a lot of items in a short space of time, plus most students don’t actually keep their valuables safe either’.

Walker pleaded guilty to one burglary and asked further 118 offences to be taken into consideration by the court. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

The judge said that Walker had caused ‘a great deal of misery’ to his victims.

West Yorkshire Police has reported a recent rise in burglaries in Hyde Park, Headingley and Woodhouse as darker nights mean thieves are more likely to go undetected.

Officers are advising students to leave a light on when going out, mark property with a University and Student number and avoid leaving valuables on display to prevent burglary.

Emily Willson


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