‘Dapper Laughs’ tour cancelled on the back of student momentum

Leeds University Union’s Socialist Studentd found themselves at the forefront of popular opinion as it was announced that the UK Tour of ITV2’s controversial presenter, Daniel O’Reilly, has been cancelled.

Mary Finch, the coordinator of the Rape Is No Joke Campaign started an online petition earlier this week, asking the O2 Academy in Leeds to cancel O’reilly’s upcoming stand up show ‘The Full Length Tour’, which was due to take place in February of next year. This is on the back of Mr. O’Reilly’s controversial ITV dating advice show ‘Dapper Laughs: On The Pull’, which was said to trivialise rape.

The petition, which was had already accumulated over 80 signatures, before the official nationwide cancellation was announced, read:

“To O2 Academy Leeds

Cancel sexist comedian Dapper Laughs at the O2 Academy Leeds! Dapper Laughs is a misogynist, and he’s reinforcing misogyny everywhere he performs on his comedy circuits. His show on ITV (now cancelled because of mass pressure), ‘Dapper Laughs: On the Pull’ featured him sexually harassing women in public, as if this is acceptable, and even funny.

We petition the O2 Academy Leeds to cancel Dapper Laughs’ performance to make it clear that misogyny is never acceptable, and is not something we will stand for. All women have the right to feel safe, and free from harassment and violence.”

The news comes just days after Cardiff University’s Student Union became the first venue to ban the controversial ITV personality, after a petition was set up in response to his derogative attitude towards women and accusations of glorifying rape.

Mr O’Reilly appeared on Newsnight to apologise for his actions on the show, citing that his ‘attempt to push the boundaries’ and he got ‘carried away’.

‘Dapper Laughs is gone’, said the comedian.

‘It was great at the beginning but it’s ruined me as a comedian’.

He added: ‘I am not going to allow Dapper Laughs to represent me. I want the people out there to know that not only am I going to stop it, I am going to help it not being promoted.’

Greg Whitaker and Jasmine Andersson

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