Russell Brand’s Revolution: He’s not the Messiah

Take the best of Che Guevara, Gandhi and Malcolm X and you have in no way described Russell Brand – the nation’s favourite former addict turned Christ-like revolutionary.  Only better, because he wears Raybans and knows about Bikram Yoga. He’s the man who wants to change our political system for the better by telling us to ignore it.

Russell has just released a book, Revolution. No wait, more like his political manifesto. Actually let’s just called it what it is – the Holy Brandble, his radical call to arms for the lost youth of today. Imagine him whipping the masses into a fervour, everyone stopping to listen to his genius; the young remove their hoods, the workers undo their ties, the people draw a collective breath as the smell of revolution ripples through the air: “DON’T VOTE” he cries “ITS ALL THE SAME ANYWAY”.

Well thanks a lot Russell. What a brilliant plan; political change through total disengagement.  This is what we’ve had recently, Katy Perry’s ex banging on to us about how politicians are basically Dementor’s in suits inhaling the nations soul one expenses claim at a time. Russell writes “I have never voted. Like most people I am utterly disenchanted by politics … I regard politicians as frauds and liars and the current political system as nothing more than a bureaucratic means for furthering the augmentation and advantages of economic elites”. Could this be the man we’ve all been waiting for in politics – a real person with real beliefs who’s not trying to pull the wool over our eyes? The short answer – no. Brand is just another celebrity with a book to flog.

We do need change – starting with greater social representation amongst our MPs. A few less Oxbridge educated WASPs dominating parliament. But change isn’t accomplished by ignoring politics, it’s accomplished by challenging it. The legalisations of gay marriage, the minimum wage, free health care, peace in Europe for 70 years, free education and the very fact you’re reading these words of your own free will are all monuments to what can be achieved when politics and the people harmonise.

I like Russell Brand, I like his style; he came, he saw, he conquered. He’s a charismatic guy but in the end he’s all mouth and tight trousers. His opinions are stylistic and ostentatious, but basically delivered on a tidal wave of inanity ultimately designed to sell you a product.

Here’s a riddle for Russ – elderly people are consistently the most reliable voters. Every election they turn out in their droves, and it’s their vote could make it or break it for a party’s campaign. For young people it’s the complete opposite. Their voting pattern is low and unreliable. This past four years young people have had their EMA taken away, free bus passes revoked and university fees tripled, whilst the elderly have kept their free bus passes amongst other privileges. I’m sure there’s a common denominator in there somewhere. If only Russell could figure that one out for us. Maybe it’s in his book?

Rod Ardehali

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