Why Martial Arts societies kick-ass

Many new members of the University have expressed the interest to start training in a martial art, but it is difficult to decide which is right for you and what makes them all different. Aren’t they all just about fighting?

No martial art is better than another, but rather the one that fits you is the best. Picking the right system to study is crucial if you’re going to enjoy yourself, and devote your time to it.




The Wing Chun Society demonstrated close range fighting characterised by economic and direct, simple application of strikes. A basic lesson into Chi Sao, a sensitivity drill which is considered the heart of Wing Chun. A fantastic demo of the use of the iconic Wooden Dummy was given by Instructor Raj Singh.




A martial art will teach you respect, discipline and give you confidence and good health. It will allow you to follow your progression and be proud of every milestone you surpass. It will allow you to indulge in its native culture and learn about history, philosophy and politics. Most importantly, it will give you a community where you can thrive and grow under diligent instruction and learning. It is a great vehicle for physical and mental training and gives you the chance to showcase skills in your personal development during your time in Leeds.





Students also got the opportunity to practice self-defence and various chokes and holds. Self defence is a major part of the curriculum in any martial art, but self defence always begins with being aware of your surroundings and not under-estimating the situation or the person trying to hurt you.





Martial Arts societies recently showcased their sports in a collaborative Multi Martial Arts GIAG at The Edge. They combined their efforts in a brand new initiative to provide an informative and fun session. Along with their instructors, they provided the opportunity for visitors to sample all the martial arts that Leeds has to offer, allowing those who had never tried out a martial art before to gauge their interest and meet conditioned martial artists from the different clubs.

Aikido, Karate, Judo, Tae-Kwon-Do, Jiu Jitsu, Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Thai Boxing all made an appearance, demonstrating basic fundamental principles and broadly covering the main aspects of their syllabi.


Tay-Yibah Aziz

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