Campus Watch – 19/10/14

Glasgow votes to stop investing fossil fuels

Glasgow University has become the first European academic institution in Europe to divest from the fossil fuel industry. The move comes after last month 800 global investors, including the influential Rockefeller brothers in the US, promised to withdraw £31bn from the fossil fuel industry and invest in the renewables industry instead. It is thought that Glasgow may be the first of many to adopt the policy.

Hugh Baillie-Lane

Sussex University Students ‘kiss in’

Hundreds of students at The University of Sussex staged a ‘kiss-in’ at a local branch of Sainsbury’s on Wednesday. The incedent came after the supermarket ejected a lesbian couple for kissing in store. They were asked to leave after a complaint of their ‘disgusting’ behaviour. Sainsbury’s have apologised and offered to make a £100 donation to charity by way of apology.

Hugh Baillie-Lane

Cardiff Uni install homeless cage

Cardiff University has caused outrage amongst students by trying to deter homeless people from sleeping on campus. The University has built a stainless steel cage over a hot air vent, in an attempt to deter homeless people from sleeping outside the bio-chemistry block. One student has described the University’s actions against homelessness as ‘disgusting ‘and says he is ‘ashamed’ of the university.

Emily Willson

UEA students told to urinate in shower

East Anglia University is encouraging students to urinate whilst having their morning shower to save on water usage at the university, The “Go with the Flow” campaign claims that this would be environmentally friendly and carry no health risks. If followed by the UEA’s 15,000 students, the initiative would save enough water to fill twenty six Olympic-sized swimming pools.

George Dixon

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