Food | Fresh Slices bakes One Minute Lemon Mug Cakes

So, you are entering, or returning to, student life, and you need a quick sugar hit. The shops are just too far away, and you want something satisfying, and quick. Well, look no further than this speedy, easy recipe for mug cakes. All you need are a few ingredients, a mug and a microwave!


(Makes 2 mug cakes)

  • 50g butter or margerine
  • 50g sugar
  • 50g self-raising flour
  • 1 egg
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 2 tablespoons lemon curd


  1. Take two heatproof mugs (preferably with a round bottom so the cakes can be turned out easily) and grease them with a little bit of butter. Drop a tablespoon of lemon curd into the bottom of each mug.
  2. In a bowl, mix together the butter, sugar, flour, eggs and lemon zest until you have a pale and smooth mixture. If it seems a bit thick, squeeze a little lemon juice in.
  3. Divide the mix between the two mugs, spooning on top of the lemon curd. Cover each mug with cling film. Microwave individually for 1 ½ minutes until risen and cooked through.
  4. Leave to stand for 1 minute, then remove the cling film and turn out onto a plate.

It really couldn’t be any easier. What’s more, this recipe is very versatile and you can experiment with a whole load of flavours! Try some of the following:

  • Instead of lemon curd, put a dollop of golden syrup or jam at the bottom of the mugs. Just take out the lemon zest from the sponge mix.
  • Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder to the sponge instead of lemon zest, and put a good spoonful of Nutella in each mug.

Katie Dawtry

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