Leeds named third most expensive student city

Research conducted by banking giant Santander has placed Leeds as the third most expensive student city to live in the UK.

Leeds rose seven places to third, with only Cambridge and London rated as more expensive cities in which to live.

The research revealed that Leeds costs the average student £10,022 per year, excluding tuition fees.

The figures showed an increase of £2,548 from last year. However, some students have argued against these findings.

Third year Geography student, Lily Feasby stated that compared to many of her friends in other cities, Leeds is comparatively cheap.

She mentioned that rental costs average at £60 per week compared to the pricing of houses in Newcastle which costs more than £75 per week.

Critics have been keen to point out that the analysis includes annual predicted expenditures and costs that students may also not choose to incur.

The analysis does include outlays that are unlikely to be incurred annually, such as £418 per year on ‘IT Equipment’ and costs that students can choose not to incur, such as public transport.

The research raises the importance of how expensive it is to be a student in 2014, whichever University you go to. Tuition fees included the average cost of university is now expected to be £54,000 for a three-year degree.

Hugh Baillie-Lane

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