Leeds University Union takes on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Members of Leeds University Union have accepted the global ice bucket challenge after being nominated by University of Surrey Students Union.

In a YouTube video uploaded by the Union, five LUU members are filmed being drenched with buckets of freezing water poured over their heads.

The ice bucket challenge which was founded in America has had many celebrities and US politicians from Oprah Winfrey to George Bush soaked in ice-cold water. The aim of this phenomenon is to raise awareness of ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) by nominating others to take on the dare. Those that don’t accept the challenge must instead donate to a charity supporting ALS.

ALS is known to be a common form of Motor Neurone Disease and makes up 80% of all cases. In the UK, it is referred to by its umbrella term MND.

LUU Activities Officer Fiona Metcalfe who bravely accepted the challenge said, ‘LUU was challenged to take on the ice bucket challenge by Surrey S.U so of course we had to take part and spread the coverage of the great cause! Participating helps raise money for and awareness of ALS, a neurodegenerative disease. The ice bucket challenge is so effective because it gives the participant a snap shot insight into ALS, by no means recreating the suffering that its victims endure but allowing the participant to identify with the cause they’re fundraising for. As with all of these viral fundraisers, it is so important to actually respect and remember the cause and if possible to donate.’

Leeds University Union has nominated Leeds Met Student Union, LUU Activities Team, York Student Union, Liverpool Student Union and Chris (Sheffield SU). But will they be brave enough to accept the challenge?


For more information on ALS or to donate visit www.als.org.


Abla Klaa


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