TV | Freeview Flicks of the week – The Sixth Sense, Tron: Legacy and The Matrix

Our weekly LSi best freeview flicks picks are back!

MONDAY – The Sixth Sense (More4 21:00)

“I see dead people”; the line is a classic and so is the film, which delivers a cracking twist and one of the most infamous spoilers in cinema history. M. Night Shyamalan has never been better than when directing this 1999 chiller; just look at the poorly received After Earth and The Last Airbender! Bruce Willis gives a stunning performance, and this great movie is even worth viewing a second time round to gain a different perspective.

TUESDAY – Sideways (Movie Mix 21:00)

Alexander Payne is well known for his heartfelt and dramatic comedies, most recently receiving critical acclaim and rewards for his beautiful Nebraska, and before that, The Descendants. However, it is Sideways that will always be the treasure of his career, and the film that brought the world’s attention to this wonderful director. Telling the story of two men who take a week-long trip to California’s wine country before one of them gets married, the film is full of wit, emotion and humour that makes for a very enjoyable watch.

WEDNESDAY – Tron: Legacy (BBC3 20:00)

This 2010 sequel to the original 1982 film lacks in story and characterisation. However, the visuals and music have blown audiences away, making this a worthwhile watch. Daft Punk recently hit the charts with their party tune, ‘Get Lucky’, but here they also prove they can do movie soundtracks. Derezzed is definitely one to watch out for – combined with amazing special effects and beautifully designed light cycles, it really does electrify.

THURSDAY – Natural Born Killers (ITV4 00:20)

Oliver Stone is known for being a legendary film maker specialising in controversial subjects, and none more so than Natural Born Killers, a chilling study of two serial killers glorified by the media. Woody Harrelson may be best known to us as the alcohol addicted, but beloved, Haymitch from The Hunger Games, but the highlight of his career is clearly this stunning performance alongside the beautiful Juliette Lewis. Plagued with controversy, it is a shame that this striking film has been given such a bad reputation.

FRIDAY – Buried (ITV4 00:15)

Locke, starring Tom Hardy, recently surprised cinema goers with its intriguing concept of a real-time ninety minute film starring one man in one location. Although it sounds unique, this concept has been done before, in Buried starring Ryan Reynolds. Also ninety minutes of real-time action with only one presence on screen, Reynolds pulls off a surprisingly great performance, in a story that follows a man captured by terrorists and buried alive in a coffin. Tense, dramatic, claustrophobic and scary, this will plague your dreams for weeks on end.

SATURDAY – The Matrix (ITV2 22:15)

There is nothing quite like The Matrix, a 1999 science fiction spectacle that shook the world of special effects with its bullet time shots that are as beautiful as they are stunning. It is the perfect combination of action, story, wit and intelligence. A modern masterpiece – but don’t ruin it by watching the sequels!

SUNDAY – Dial M for Murder (ITV3 23:00)

Alfred Hitchcock’s filmography is full of masterpieces, and despite not being as popular as others such as Psycho, Dial M for Murder is one of his best. Following an ex-tennis player who plans to kill his wife, Hitchcock masterfully manipulates his audience throughout. With superb dialogue and an intelligent story, if you are a fan of other works by Hitchcock make sure to check this out!

Emily Murray

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