News | Uni stats reveal the students most likely to resit exams

Students from the Schools of Business, Mathematics and Healthcare are the most likely to have to resit the exams they take this year, according to figures released to LS.

The figures, obtained from the University’s Examinations Office, show that since January 2011, 34 per cent of all exam resits were taken in these three schools.

Business School students have done the most resits in recent years, with the total number of re-taken exams in the School since 2011 standing 62 per cent higher than the school with the second most number of resits, which was Maths.

Meanwhile, students studying French, Italian and Education were all among the least likely to have to re-take their exams.

On average, students studying arts subjects like English and History are far less likely to resit their exams than those studying subjects in the sciences, such as Chemistry or Biology.

All second-attempt examinations take place in August, with further attempts taking place in January or May of the following academic year. The statistics revealed that 28 per cent of students who re-sat exams in August went on to have to sit them for a third time. Students resitting exams can only gain a minimum pass mark, and are charged £2 per credit of the module they are resitting, as well as an administration fee of £50.

The complete ranking of subjects most likely to require resits can be found below:

1. L U Business School

2. Mathematics

3. Healthcare

4. Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering

5. Civil Engineering

6. Law

7. Physics & Astronomy

8. Earth & Environment

9. Computing

10. Sociology & Social Policy

11. Electronic and Electrical Engineering

12. Biological Sciences UG School (BISC)

13. Biological Sciences UG School (BLGY)

14. Mechanical Engineering

15. Chemistry

16. Biological Sciences UG School (BIOC)

17. Politics & International St

18. Food Science and Nutrition

19. Biological Sciences UG School (SPSC)

20. Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science

21. Modern Languages & Cultures

22. Dentistry

23. East Asian Studies

24. Psychology

25. History

26. English

27. Molecular Nanoscience

28. Geography

29. Biological Sciences UG School (MICR)

30. Classics

31. Joint Honours (Science)

32. Linguistics

33. Medical Physics

34. Design

35. Medicine

36. Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

37. Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science

38. Communications Studies

39. Music

40. Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies

41. Lifelong Learning Centre

42. Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies

43. Joint Honours (Arts)

44. Russian & Slavonic Studies

45. Transport Studies

46. Joint Honours (Modern Languages)

47. Biological Sciences UG School (BIOL)

48. Performance and Cultural Industries

49. French

50. German

51. Colour Science

52. Education

53. Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science

54. Italian

55. Leeds Institute of Health Sci

56. Epidemiology & Biostatistics

57. Leeds Inst Health Sc

58. Obesity, Nutrition and Health

The Union’s Education Officer Alice Smart said: “I’d encourage any students who have any questions or concerns about taking resits to go and see the Student Advice Centre. They’ll be able to advice you on whether you need to take a resit and how to go about taking one if you’ve decided it’s the right choice for you.”

Sean Hayes

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