Food | Gastronaut – Twister Burger Company

If there’s one thing the Leeds restaurant scene isn’t lacking, it’s an array of fantastic and innovative burger restaurants. If my housemates had a penny for every time I’ve come home, claiming to have found “the best burger joint in Leeds”, they’d probably be able to club together to afford a Freddo. Not to mention that, with the list of American-inspired eateries growing by the minute, you’d be forgiven for feeling a little sceptical as more and more burger specialised restaurants inundate the city. However, this month, the Sheffield-based Twisted Burger Company opened its doors in Leeds for the first time, promising a laid-back and light-hearted take on the simple formula we can’t help but love – and LSi were down there faster than you can say brioche bun!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Twisted Burger Company has set up residency in Aire Bar, down by the scenic and rather “up-market” canals. Though it’s not just Aire Bar’s kitchen they’re getting their hands on – the company are also staging a takeover on the sound system, promising a carefully selected playlist intended to suit the tone of their menu. Expect some achingly trendy music from the team behind Tramlines Festival, chosen to accompany a menu built around the principal that everything’s better with a good pop-culture pun; Pig Daddy Kane, anyone? How about a Baby Got Guac?


I was impressed to find that Twisted Burger Company have also committed to making all their sauces in-house. Of these house-made concoctions I was particularly delighted by the chorizo & apple jam, I’d also recommend the Kraken BBQ sauce to anyone who enjoys rum or is interested to see it used in this type of cooking – it was delicious!

Twisted Burger Company also use an impressive and carefully chosen blend of meats in all of their beef patties – containing cuts of brisket, chuck and oxtail and sourced from a butcher based in nearby Rochdale. The keen Home Cooks and Food Network voyeurs among you will note that these cuts usually lend themselves to slower cooking methods at lower temperatures – I’ll admit that, perhaps because of this, the beef patties themselves can occasionally seem a little tough. However, what they may lack in texture they certainly made up for in flavour – the taste of the beef was deep, rich and complex. Surprisingly however, it was the menu’s vegetarian options that really won me over on my visit – both the falafel and mushroom options provide a fabulous meat alternative at a reasonable price. The range of sides on offer also complimented the star-attractions well, using flavours and ingredients such as jalapenos, bacon and chili to tie the fries and sides together with the burgers on offer. Overall, twisted burger delivers an experience where music enthusiasm and foodie sensibilities collide.

Anna Turner

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