News | Leeds ranks high for sexual health services

Leeds has been ranked among the top 5 Universities in the country for sexual health facilities and support.

The result comes from a Sexual Health Report Card survey published by Superdrug.

Bristol ranked no.1 in the report, being praised for its “forward-thinking delivery methods, setting up dedicated social media profiles to deliver a range of accessible information to help its students make informed choices about their own sexual health needs.”

The research was carried out at each University focussing on nine key areas, including counselling for victims of sexual assault and the availability of STI testing on campus.

Also ranked alongside Leeds in the top 5 were Nottingham and Dundee, while Universities such as Cambridge, Edinburgh and UCL were all lower down the top 10 list, which can be found in full below:

1 University of Bristol

2 University of Nottingham

= St. Georges, University of London

4 University of Dundee

5 University of Leeds

6 University of Cambridge

= Loughborough University

8 University of Edinburgh

= Kings College London

10 University College London

Development manager for Superdrug Online Doctor Simon Lea said he was glad the Universities at the top of the list “share our ambition to provide the best sexual health services for their communities.” He added: “This comprehensive Report Card shows that for students specifically, many of whom will be in the ‘most at risk’ group for contracting STIs, access to relevant, up-to-date information can be hit or miss.”

A third-year History student said: “I’ve always thought Leeds was good for helping people with sexual health, like how you can get free condoms from the Union or go and ask the Welfare Officer for help any time you like.” He added: “It makes me deeply proud to have attended Leeds.” Universities which fared the worst in the report include Birmingham, Reading and East Anglia. Cardiff University rounded off the list at #50.

Sean Hayes

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