Clubs | Dilation announces final event

After 5 fruitful years hosting events in London and Leeds, Dilation have finally decided to call it a day.

It truly does spell a sad day for many student party goers. Not only because the event showcases some of the cities best bookings at scandalously low entrance fees, but because for many final year Leeds students, the start and rising success of the night will have ran parallel to their own years spent here at in Leeds.

But after chatting with Louis Greenwood, one of the last remaining Leeds based members of the promotion team, he insisted that “what we want to do is end it on a huge high rather than dribble out as our core student following leaves the city.”

Nevertheless, the upcoming day & night party planned for the 31st of May will be an event drenched in nostalgia as well as the usual cascades of Red Stripe. 


dilash cover


It’s also worth mentioning that as the world of dance music grows to be an ever more lucrative enterprise, Dilation have set the bar for ethical standards by being a solely not-for-profit event bar this final night. As it’s hard to shake the sensation that you’re not a walking cash cow when entrance fees sour past the £15 mark, considering tickets for Kate Bush’s comeback tour started at £49.

In an interview we did with them last September, they had this to say:

“If you go to a night and you’ve only spent 3 quid to get in, you’ll be much happier. If you’re spending twenty pounds then you’re expecting a lot […] Not that we don’t expect a lot of ourselves, it’s not about managing expectations, how are you going to have a good night if you just got robbed on the door? […] Like the other day we had loads of lollipops on the door, it’s the little things that show that we do think about the crowd rather than we need to make x amount of money. Because that’s what it’s about, making sure people have a good time.

With DJ’s yet to be announced, and the transformation of their home grounds Beaverworks into a Copacabana styled carnival town underway, this is the event that could be the highlight of the academic year. 

Online tickets are already into their final release, don’t wait around, get yours here.

James Andersen

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