Fashion | Brand Alert – Mosson Clothing, Asos Marketplace

As the semester draws to a close, most of us are probably experiencing premature financial panic, and losing sleep over how to make it through to the next loan day. With this in mind, it is always near impossible to resist a bargain – cheap vintage, no less. Though it may not be preserving the already dwindling student fund, we always feel slightly less guilty about splurging on clothes when it’s for the good of a worthy cause.

And what could be more worthy than supporting two of Leeds’ own? Mosson Clothing, a new womenswear boutique now open on Asos Marketplace, is the brainchild of Leeds University students Gerry Chow and Joanna Thompson, and the perfect excuse for a little pre-loan indulgence.

Gerry and Joanna, students of French and English respectively, spent last year living in Montpellier. Whilst on their year abroad, they found that they had a lot of free time, meaning that perusing the world famous Montpellier market became a weekend ritual. Sundays became synonymous with riffling through endless piles of authentic vintage clothing in search of the perfect items. The girls came across several pieces that they loved, but wouldn’t necessarily wear themselves, which is where the idea for Mosson Clothing was born.

Uncovering more hidden gems than they could ever dream of fitting in their own closets, and knowing that bona fide vintage is such a big thing in the UK, especially Leeds, Gerry and Joanna came up with the initial concept. They carefully sifted through and selected each and every piece themselves, opting for lots of striking ethnic and tribal influences, chunky knitwear, and lightweight shirts. Unlike so many popular generic stores found hiding in London’s Soho streets, often passing off reworked highstreet clothing as overpriced ‘vintage’, their clothes are all unique, second-hand pieces from the 80s and 90s.

Aside from weekly visits to the market becoming their staple French pastime, Gerry, who wants to go into Fashion Buying, said that it was the most enjoyable way of keeping busy whilst away from Leeds for a year, being proactive and learning a bit about the fashion business in the process. They learnt the craft of selecting pieces, branding, marketing and pricing.  With their uni friends in mind, prices are student-friendly ranging from £8-£17. Managing to break the monotonous cycle of university, turning a profit, whilst spending a year in the south of France? Win-win.

Mosson Clothing is currently available exclusively online on Asos Marketplace, at Be sure to check the site regularly, as stock is constantly updated. Alternatively, seek out Gerry or Joanna on campus to make a purchase!

Julia Pimentel

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