News | Student brawl on pub crawl

A large-scale fight, involving approximately 10 people, took place outside the Skyrack in Headingley on Saturday night.

The street brawl occurred at approximately 10:50pm, near the junction of Otley Road with St Michaels Road between the Skyrack and Original Oak pubs.

Witnesses who saw the incident claimed that there was shouted and glass throwing between two large groups before the fighting began.

One witness, who was on a night out when they saw the fight, said: “It was really quite frightening and not what you expect to see in Headingley. It seemed like there were two groups of boys trying to start at each other from opposite sides of the road. One threw a glass at the other group which nearly smashed in
someone’s face.”

She added: “One group then ran over to the other and started throwing punches. Security from Original Oak had to get involved. I was pretty scared so left before the police turned up.”

Officers from West Yorkshire Police attended the scene after the heated argument started to get out of hand. They said in a statement: “Upon Police attendance all parties had left the area and no complaints were received from members of the public.”

A spokesperson for the Skyrack, said: “Providing a safe environment for our customers is of paramount importance to us. We will help the police with their enquiries into the incident that occurred outside of the pub.”

Sean Hayes

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