News | Funding crisis stops LS printing

LS will no longer be able to print, due to a lack of funding.

This week members of the society were informed that the target set by LUU to cover printing costs had fallen short by £5,200 and therefore should cease printing. LS is currently partially funded by LUU and partially by advertising, also controlled by the Union.

Despite numerous attempts by student volunteers to save the publication through external advertising, proposals were turned down on the grounds that it poses a threat to the Union’s own services. LS has now been forced into the red, leaving hundreds of members with no resources.

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42 societies have already come out in public support of the newspaper including RAG, Snowriders, MedSoc, JSoc and Leeds Labour Students.

Student Action for Refugees said:

“We find the current situation worrying, and believe that an independent student press is not only vital but integral to Leeds University”.

LUU Athletics Club added: “The student paper is vital for coverage of sports teams and events and has always promoted LUU-AC.”


The news comes on the back of the two Editor candidates in this year’s Leadership Race being excluded from the main voting system with no consultation of the society. The Editor role is also funded by LUU, receiving the same salary as Exec members though they do not act as a trustee of the Union.

RevSoc commented: “We condemn the unilateral changing of the format of the Leadership Election to marginalise the student paper.”

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Media societies have come out in support of LS.

The Institute of Communication Studies society also said:

“Without the paper there is no independent platform to represent students and hold the Uni to account. I strongly believe that students should have a say on where the Union’s money is spent.”

LS is in ongoing talks with the Union about the long term future of the publication and will work to find a solution.

The Union’s Activities officer Greg Sturge said:

“It is encouraging that our societies appreciate the role LS has within the Union community. There have been issues in the working relationship between the Union and LS this year, and lessons have been learned on both sides. However, we will be working hard together over the coming months to ensure that LS is back on it’s feet by September.”

LS is urging students to get behind the campaign to ‘Save Your Student Paper’.  The full list of societies so far in support of this stands as:

  1. Snowriders
  2. RAG
  3. Oxfam Society
  4. Save the Children Society
  5. Jewish Society
  6. Islamic Society
  7. Medical Society
  8. Leeds Student Radio
  9. Her Campus Leeds
  10. Lippy
  11. Scribe
  12. Photo Society
  13. Film Society
  14. Institute of Communication Studies Society
  15. Collaborative Arts Society
  16. Computing Society
  17. Book Society
  18. Union Music Library
  19. Spoken Word Society
  20. Mature and Part Time Society
  21. English Society
  22. History Society
  23. Sixties Society
  24. Leeds Labour Students
  25. Conservative Society
  26. Green Party Society
  27. Debating Society
  28. ONE Leeds Society
  29. Anti-Death Penalty Society
  30. Amnesty International
  31. Model United Nations Society
  32. Feminist Society
  33. Leeds Palestine Solidarity Group
  34. Leeds Friends of Syria
  35. Student Action for Refugees
  36. Revolution Society
  37. Mind Matters
  38. Athletics Society
  39. Women’s Lacrosse Society
  40. Squash Society
  41. Modern Dance Society
  42. Pool and Snooker Society

International Relations student, Kyle Hulme has started a petition calling on the Union to restore funding to the paper. So far the petition has amassed 1, 132 signatures.

Here is a link to the petition:

Last updated: 15.31

Photo: Leo Garbutt

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