News | Spending one night homeless

Sleeping rough is tough for anyone, but students hit the pavement outside the Union this week to raise awareness of homelessness.

The sleepout saw students experiencing how tough it is to live on the streets, sleeping rough in cardboard boxes, and other makeshift shelters.

The event brought a number of student organisations together including STAR, HOMED, Amnesty International and Leftovers.

As well as raising awareness there was a swing dancing class, comedy show and other performances.

A bake sale and donation boxes helped to add to the money raised through the sleepout.

Speaking for HOMED, Steph Filletti told LS: “We work directly with people living on the streets and aim to be a friend to them and to help understand their situation. We hope the sleepout will develop this understanding for students beyond our society.”

She added: “This event is a one of a kind night that we hope will leave a lasting impression in students’ minds by addressing the issue in a unique way.”

Natalie Irving

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