Food | Regional Recipes – Geordie pease pudding

When most people think of Newcastle the first thing that springs to mind isn’t food. Known more for its boozy nights out made famous by the continuously humiliating ‘Geordie Shore’ you wouldn’t believe the toon could offer more than the obligatory cheesy chips after a night out. Pease pudding is a personal favourite which, contrary to what the name suggests, is essentially a savoury spread made from split peas, with a texture not dissimilar to hummus.


300g dried yellow split peas

50g butter

1 bay leaf

1 onion, roughly chopped

1 egg, beaten

Black pepper

Rinse and drain the split peas and leave to stand for 20 minutes. Heat half of the butter in a frying pan and add the onion and bay leaf, stirring regularly. Add the peas to the pan with a litre of water and bring to the boil until the peas soften. Take the peas off the heat and blend with a hand blender adding in the beaten egg, seasoning and the remaining butter.Blend into a thick paste.

Pease pudding is best served smothered on a stotty, a massive flat round bread bun so big it will leave you avoiding carbs for a good three days, and a slice of the best quality ham or gammon you can get your hands on. And that, is how the Geordies do sandwiches. So get stuck in, pet.

Bridget McClean

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