News | Students seek to form new drugs society

Students are seeking to start a society supporting the legalisation of party drugs.
The Re-Thinkers launch event ‘Are you high?’ will include a talk from a drug user and a live debate.

Students who have formed the group told LS they want to “encourage individuals to become more open minded” and “challenge the status quo”.
They told LS that the society was started “on an inspiration of change but mostly change within the new age generation”.
All student groups that want to form a society must first hold a formation meeting, attended by an LUU representative before being considered to become an official Union society.
A third-year History student told the paper: “Although I do think that the Union should support everyone’s ideas, I will be surprised if they
endorse Re-thinkers. A society trying to legalise drugs is a bit much!”
Re-Thinkers first event will be held on March 10 in the Hidden Café.

Christina Verde

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