News | In Pictures – Leadership Race candidates face Question Time

This year’s Leadership Race candidates faced the annual Question Time last Wednesday, where they were grilled about their policies and manifestos. LS was there to bring a break down of each candidate section.

lsTyron Louw

LS Editor:

Editor candidates Jasmine Andersson and Max Bruges want to introduce a weekly social calendar, crossword section and student-friendly News hotline.

Max would hold an Editor’s Office Hour to create “a paper that reflects why it’s called Leeds Student”. Jasmine promised new travel and cuisine sections. She said: “No-one wants to open the paper on a Friday to see a shocker headline that offends people”.

activitiesJack Scates


Candidates called for better representation of societies, with Oliver McCauley wanted “improved advertisement”. The cost of activities was also emphasised. David Adams admitted that “Give It A Go’ sessions “need to be a bit cheaper”.

Candidates agreed students should use Wednesday afternoons for extra-curricular activities. Joel Evans said branding Wednesday afternoons as activities time would deter Schools from scheduling lectures then.

communitySam Broadley


Several candidates discussed improving bus services, housing and recycling. All agreed volunteering was key to helping students integrate with the Leeds community.

Frankie O’Byrne encouraged students to report disruptive neighbours, although other candidates said it was not the Union’s responsibility. Dami Adebayo said bad landlords should be “held accountable”. On transport, Sam Joseph explained: “Cycling is safer than walking at night”.

E and DLeeor Ohayon

Equality and Diversity:

There was agreement that integration was difficult for international students. Gemma Turner explained: “I know exactly what it feels like to deal with other aspects in your life as well as your degree”.

Freya Potter cited peer pressure during Freshers’ Week as a problem at Leeds, with other issues including representation of disabled and female students. Noha Abou El Magd emphasised the importance of free speech and Frank Yang claimed he was the most confident candidate.

affairsLeo Garbutt

Union Affairs:

Nirankar Phull described how ‘student-led’ change would keep the Union running to its “Phull” potential. Alice Smart said Essentials must be “competitive” with pricing and Marcus Johnson explained that lower prices in the Union could increase revenue and help provide an “economic solution”.

Emma Simpson criticised the Vice Chancellor’s £36,000 pay-rise this year, arguing the money should have been given to the Union.

welfareSam Broadley (click image to enlarge)


A key issue was mental health. Anna Colgan said the Union must expand mental health support services to combat stress problems. Joss Micklewright suggested training personal tutors and more support for students after graduation. Freya Govus wants fair pay for staff.

Candidates said it was crucial to raise awareness of sexual health and harassment, with most of them agreeing there should be a ‘no means no’ or ‘zero tolerance’ campaign.

educationJean Zhang


Getting students value for money was a hot topic. Gemma Liddle would campaign for feedback sessions in every School and Samwise Wilson called for “new education technology”.

Paul Rogers wants to introduce 24-hour libraries during term time, although most candidates agreed facilitating access to resources such as textbooks would be more valuable. Countering clashing deadlines and more choice of modules were also discussed.

Charlotte Mason
Leo Garbutt

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