News | Crime on the rise in Hyde Park

The number of crimes committed on vehicles has risen by 36 per cent in the past semester in Hyde Park and Woodhouse.

There were 93 crimes on vehicles in the four months to December 2013, just under one per day, compared with 68 in the same period the year before.

Overall, crimes in the student areas of Hyde Park and Woodhouse area rose by 3.9 per cent last semester compared to the year before.

The number of incidents of criminal damage and arson also rose by over 6 per cent.

LS has reported on a slew of crimes in the recent weeks including furniture being set alight in the street and cars being burnt and broken into.

One third year student told LS: “I feel less safe every time I walk through Hyde Park
especially. The streetlights really aren’t good enough and it just feels really unsafe to me.”

Giovanni Da Costa

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