Features | Miley Cyrus – Yay or Nay?

From the shaven hair to the twerking, everyone is always talking about Miley Cyrus. Her new image is a far cry from her Hannah Montana days, but are her new ‘rebellious’ ways a good or a bad thing?



So far I must have clearly failed to notice the talent of Miley Cyrus.  Starting off her career at a young age as an actor then progressing to a popular singer should presume some talent at least. But I am not convinced.  Disney seems to have become a factory for ‘talents’. Apart from moral issues that I see with Disney’s aspiration, I can only shake my head in disbelief.

With Miley’s Disney career over she needs to maintain her high profile.  You would think that the best way to achieve this is to actually fine tune your talents and use it to your advantage. However, Miley fails to recognise that bad PR doesn’t equal greater popularity. Good talents will be remembered forever. For Miley it’s probably a case of out of sight, out of mind.

Breaking out of her Disney image and taking on a bad ass personality is in no way worth honouring , so why is there such a hype about Miley Cyrus? I think she is just lucky to be one of those Disney teenage stars, although I definitely would not put her on the same shelf as Madonna or Michael Jackson in terms of star qualities.  Whatever makes a star, Miley hasn’t got it. I’m sorry but looking attractive is not a talent. Lots of people are good looking and have model dimensions, so what? They aren’t all stars.

This isn’t about finding yourself as she claimed some time ago, no, that’s just being a puppet in the public eye.  Some celebrities stay true to themselves, but Miley is in no way one of them. She seems to love the attention that her new image gives her. You can only hope that young teenager will not follow in her footsteps.

Michelle Heinrich



To describe Miley Cyrus in one word, it would have to be: notorious. She has twerked in a nude bikini in front of Robin Thicke at the VMA’s, released We Can’t Stop – which references drugs and its choreography includes Miss Cyrus grinding against anyone and anything – and swung naked from a wrecking ball, while singing the song Wrecking Ball. She raises eyebrows, evokes disgust and writes her own headlines, but she is still amazing.

Everyone forgets that Miley Cyrus has undergone a regeneration worthy of Doctor Who: from an innocent, daddy’s girl to a twerking bombshell. No one can say Miley Cyrus is the Disney marionette Hannah Montana ever again and I think that needs to be applauded. She has spent her teen years being moulded and controlled by others and now she is being who she wants to be and asserting her independence. People should be criticising Disney’s constricting and autocratic nature, which has inevitably made Miley Cyrus react and rebel in such an outrageous fashion.

Yes she is being shocking and making headlines but she knows exactly what she is doing. People know Wrecking Ball because of the numerous parodies. People watched her performance at the VMA’s because everyone was talking about it. People are talking about her constantly (like now for instance) and she is gaining all the rewards. So stop criticising her and give her some credit. Miley Cyrus has become a business woman in a competitive music industry using her antics as a selling point. As the saying goes: no publicity is bad publicity.

Unfortunately, her antics, no matter how useful, do overshadow her amazing and distinctive voice. Her latest album, which went to number one, is credit to the power of her voice. The variety of songs mean you do not get bored of listening to her album with a mixture of tempos and great collaborations with Future and Ludacris. She has revolutionised her music and definitely moved away from her childish, poppy sound to a mature hip hop which does not disappoint. People, you may as well get used to Miley Cyrus because she is going to be on the front covers of magazines, storming through the charts and performing outrageous songs, while dressed outrageously and doing outrageous things. That is Miley Cyrus and why should you like her? She is a businesswoman, fabulous singer, and above all, interesting.

Vickie Hesketh 

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