News | Student dies from drugs cocktail

Students have been expressing their grief following the death of a final year
Dentistry student.

An inquest into the suddent death of Mariam Ali Shaabam Hussain Khesroh found she had taken a concoction of ketamine and heroine.

Ms Khesroh’s body was found outside a house in Harrogate where she had traveled with a group of friends for a night out to celebrate passing her final exams.

She became ill after taking the cocktail of Class A drugs and was found dead the following morning.

The inquest heard that Khesroh started to develop breathing difficulties but none of her friends called for medical help.

A Detective of Harrogate CID said: “Mariam was dragged to the rear of the building and left behind some bins. There was a further hour and a half delay before an ambulance was called.”

Zaki Kaf Al-Ghazal, the President of the Union’s Islamic society which represented Mariam as a Muslim student, said her death was “a tragic incident and an unfortunate reminder that death can strike at any age. Our condolences go out to her family”.

Geoff Fell, a coroner for the North Yorkshire Police, said that Khesroh’s death could have been avoided, adding: “As this tragic case highlights, time is a crucial factor in cases involving the misuse of drugs and any delay in calling for medical assistance can mean the difference between life and death.”

He urged people not to delay calling 999 if someone falls ill while taking drugs.

Mariam’s family collected her degree on her behalf during her graduation ceremony. No one has been given a criminal charge over her death.

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