News | Asbestos found in Henry Price

Refurbishments to Henry Price residences have revealed the halls to be contaminated with asbestos.

Robert Knowles, the Managing Director of A1 Environmental Services LTD – the company hired to remove the asbestos – told LS that the inhabitants of the block currently being refurbished were moved out “a couple of weeks before” the work began.

The chemical is a known health hazard, typically linked with lung cancer due to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Asked if he had been approached by the University for any further asbestos-removal in a halls of residence or other facility. Knowles said: “No”, but added that he thought it likely that “the whole University is full of asbestos”, citing the age of the buildings.

A University spokesperson said: “We are currently removing shower cubicles as part of our refurbishment works at Henry Price. Within the base of the shower unit there is an asbestos cement cover on the pipe, which is embedded within the shower floor screed.”

They added: “Removing this is a precautionary method and licensed asbestos contractors are used by the University, ensuring full legal compliance.”

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