News | Exec member opts out of green pledge for paperless campaign

All candidates going for the role of Community Officer in the Union’s Leadership Race are going paperless with their campaigns, apart from the current officer, who is re-running.

Dami Adebayo, one of the candidates, said the policy will involve “no printing, no photocopying, and no plastering the Union with paper posters!” He added: “We’ll endeavour to use as much recycled and waste material as possible in our campaigns.If our pledge is successful we hope it is the start of a road map towards a future of innovative, responsible and sustainable campaigning at LUU.”

However, not all candidates have agreed to the pledge. Frankie O’Byrne, the current Community Officer, has refused to take part. Frankie told LS: “I’ll be using some of my old posters, cardboard and sheets as well as a small amount of paper in my campaign.”

He added: “Sustainability is more than just not printing paper and I think it is important to weigh up getting people involved in the Union’s democracy with the smaller impact of using paper.” A third year Politics student said: “I think it’s cowardly for Frankie not to join the others in their campaign idea.”

Maddy Keating

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