News | HistSoc bag £5k in competition

History Society has won £5,000 in RateMyPlacement’s ‘National Society Showcase’ competition.

The competition had four rounds, including a YouTube video round for students to display their marketing talents. Leeds HistSoc’s committee got the most people to sign up to RateMyPlacement, also winning a £100 bar tab bonus.

The committee were invited to a judging day in London to pitch to a panel of judges why they deserved the £5,000 prize.

After impressing them with the detail of their proposal, HistSoc were announced as the unanimous victors.

HistSoc’s Academic Secretary, Izzy MacSwan, told LS: “Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, the £5,000 is not going to be spent on our next social! The investment has been made to help us subsidise more employability and academic events”.

She added: “HistSoc are so pleased with the cash prize and that all that hard work paid off!”

Christian Green

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