News | Peeping tom in ladies loos

A student has fallen victim to a peeping tom in University toilets who has not yet been caught.

The student reported a man she spotted peering under female toilet cubicles in the Michael Sadler building.

Staff immediately called Security who searched the area for the culprit.

A University spokesperson said: “CCTV footage of the area was reviewed but, as no detailed description of the suspect was available, security staff were unable to locate the suspect.”

Adding: “There have been no recent reports of any similar incidents taking place on campus.”

Two similar incidents took place in The Edge’s changing rooms last year.

An arrest was made after a female student noticed someone holding a mobile phone under the door of her cubicle.

An arrest was also made following a similar report during the Chinese Olympic Team visit in 2012.

Declan Crosbie was caught peering over cubicles whilst members of the female Olympic swimming team were getting changed.

Mr. Crosbie was given a three year community order.

Maddy Keating

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